Goettl Media


Joe Goettl - Cyclist & Video Creator

After spending the majority of my twenties in a battle with chronic pain, I'm now much healthier and on a mission live and share what I've learned. 

At 20 years old, I was diagnosed with Compartment Syndrome and Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome. At 21, surgery to resolve the issue only left me worse off. Nerve damage from the operation left my right foot with a constant feeling of burning, and the original compartment syndrome symptoms actually worsened.

Throughout the rest of my twenties, I'd experience more pain and issues with my body. Many doctors/therapists would set limits on my future capabilities, tell me I'd no longer be an athlete, and I'd have to settle for a life managing chronic pain.

I REFUSED to believe them. Rather, I believed in the possibility of breaking free from chronic pain and achieving my goals of becoming an elite level athlete. 

With routines in MOVEMENT, STRENGTH, FLEXIBILITY & NUTRITION, I've been able to move far away from limits THEY set, and closer to what I BELIEVE can be achieved. 

Kendra Goettl - Co Owner of Goettl Media

I grew up in a small town in Minnesota, where I found my love for running track and eventually cross country. Sprinting was my specialty; however, I had years of knee injuries which lead to multiple knee surgeries and procedures. When doctors suggested I give up running, I found alternative therapies. Since moving to Utah in 2019, I've run 7 Half Marathon's, 1 Marathon and 1 Ultra Marathon. 

I travel with Joe to all the races, handle logistics, assist in creating videos and sharing our experiences. 

Deadhorse 50k

enjoys road biking with joe


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